A Little Help to Get Through These Strange Times

You don’t need us to tell you, but the world is a strange place right now.

May 4, 2020

You don’t need us to tell you, but the world is a strange place right now. COVID-19 came into our lives from early 2020 and whilst we’re told we’ve passed the peak of infections, our lives still remain very different. 

Monday 18th January is apparently the saddest day of the year and in a bid to combat the blues we did what we do best, we threw 4 parties across the UK. Together we played Bingo, danced on the stools and sang at the top of our lungs. To help those that are struggling, we fundraised with over £10,000 from the event being donated to the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) who are leading a movement against suicide. CALM is still in need of donations so if you can, donate here

Now as Summer 2020 kicks in and lock down remains, we’ve partnered with CALM to take a look at what we can all do to get through these strange times and to emerge on the other side with happy and healthy minds. 


Switch Off 

It’s OK to turn off the news and social media for a bit. It’s very tempting to watch and watch (and then watch some more) all the information that’s coming in. But don’t do that to yourself. Avoid news that could make you feel anxious and choose the stuff that’s practical and helpful. Check the news once or twice a day and decide on specific times you’re going to do it (9am and 5pm, for example).

There’s also a LOT of misinformation out there (@BigDave8183892 probably doesn’t know as much about the virus as he claims he does) so stick to trusted sources. And try and share the positive stories you see: of people who have recovered or even a post on Twitter that made you laugh. 


Stay Connected 

… to your mates. Even if you’re stuck at home, in our interconnected world there are loads of ways to chat to your friends and family, without seeing them face to face. Play FIFA with your mates. Facetime your mum (she’ll love that). Hell, organise a Google hangout and have a beer if you want to recreate a pub. Connecting and checking in with each other is more important than ever and can help ease the stress caused by all the news. BUT remember you can always mute WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups if you’re finding them too overwhelming.

Now’s the perfect time to exercise that empathy muscle and reach out to help other people. Use this opportunity to connect with those you’ve not spoken to in a while, and check in with people that may need it. Livestream shows for your mates. Stage a huge Mario Kart tournament. You might be stuck indoors but the virtual world can be your oyster.


Keep Up Your Daily Routine 

… and, er, don’t. If that sounds contradictory we just mean you have to strike a balance between having a routine and making sure each day has some variety.

It can be hard to begin to accept this new normal (anyone else find themselves cleaning the toaster out at 6.30am?). If you’re finding the change difficult, it might help to build yourself a new routine – getting up, eating and doing familiar things at set times can help you to feel a little more in control of the situation. 

But also change it up a little. Learn simple daily physical exercises you can perform at home. Keep a To-Do list so you can see you’re achieving something. Go for a run. Skype your mates. Even doing mundane things like cleaning the oven can help. All of it will help to keep you active and reduce boredom (apart from the oven thing).

Running, cycling and walking are all still options on the table (even if events you’d planned for might not be), and then there’s loads of online workouts to explore at home. From yoga to Hiit, and extreme beginner to expert, getting your blood pumping is a great way to get out of your head. 

Let Out Your Feelings 

Having that realisation that you’re feeling overwhelmed or annoyed at trivial things? Totally normal. Finding it tricky to adjust to an unfamiliar way of living? Yep, normal. Letting family or friends know you’re finding times tough? Well, that should be normal too. In fact it’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed or upset about a lot of this. Getting it out is the best policy – whether that’s needing a bit of space or unloading your feelings. Social distancing doesn’t mean emotional distancing.


If You’re Struggling, Reach Out 

This is a difficult time with a whole lot of unique pressures. From financial worries to health anxieties, if things are getting on top of you, call CALM on 0800 58 58 58 or get in touch on the CALM webchat. Their trained support workers are available from 5pm to midnight every day to provide practical support and advice, whatever you’re going through.